Lowongan Kerja PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia Terbaru 2022

Lowongan Kerja PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia- PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia (Bridgestone Indonesia), bagian dari grup Bridgestone Corporation, perusahaan ban dan karet terkemuka dunia, hari ini meluncurkan ban Bridgestone EMSA Premium, inovasi terbaru dari ban bias Bridgestone. Bridgestone EMSA Premium dirancang untuk kendaraan komersial, terutama untuk segmen truk. Dengan keunggulan teknologi dan inovasi dari Bridgestone, ban ini diperuntukkan untuk berbagai kendaraan berat, termasuk truk kargo, truk sampah, truk tangki, truk konstruksi, serta trailer.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia Terbaru 2022


Job Summary

Required to plan, organize and control the Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) activities in BSIN to align with Bridgestone Group’s refined global cSR
commitment, “Our Way to Serve” and in compliance with all the regulation.


  • CSR Planning & Budgeting: Plan and monitor CSR program and budget to align with company strategies both in local GC or regionaly
  • CSR Activation: coordinating and activating regional CSR initiatives within the company.
  • Project and Activities Coordination: Coordinate and establishing cooperation with other sections to ensure all CSR activities
  • CSR Publication: Coordinate and work closely with Communication or PR team to customize communications of CSR activities in country media communications in alignment with regional or global standard


  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree from any major
  • Possess in depth understanding on corporate social responsibility
  • Understanding of circular economic, biodiversity and carbon neutral is a plus
  • Minimum 3 years of experiences in the managerial role
  • Strong communication and coordination skills
  • Strong Analytic, strategic thinking and planning skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to interact effectively with internal & external company
  • Good leadership skills
  • Good English Proficiency both verbal and written skills
  • Project exposure in Circular Economy; Biodiversity & Carbon Neutral
  • Communication & coordination skill
  • Analytical thinking, strategic thinking and planning skill
  • English skill


Job Summary

.Prepare raw material & finished goods ledger reports and analyze inventory fluctuations to be combined with financial reports.


  • Prepare Raw material Inventory Report
  • Complete the actual raw material ledger report every month
  • Analyze the condition of the actual unit price
  • Coordinate and carry out stock taking of raw materials every year
  • Calculate and process the results of stock into the system
  • Prepare Finished Goods Inventory Report:
  • Complete local and imported finished goods reports
  • Analyze the actual cOGS (Cost of Good Sold) condition compared to the standard
  • Calculate and process the results of stock taking into the system


  • D3/S1-Economics
  • 3-5 years experience in Accounting and Administration
  • Understand Costing and General Accounting
  • Usually use SAP applications, and Microsoft office.
  • able to speak English both oral and written,
  • Able to work in a team
  • Knowledge of business processes in the manufacturing industry.


  • Costing
  • General Accounting
  • English Skill
  • Team Work


Job Summary

Assisting talent management manager & partners with function leader & line manager in delivering end to end talent management process consisting of
talent acquisition, talent development, performance management, and organization culture to strengthen BSIN values and ensuring the right people in the right position.


Develop recruitment initiative, plans & strategy;, Monitor career development plan; Develop& facilitate learning strategy & evaluation; Plan/ deliver learning
program, Facilitate goal setting; Facilitate implementation of EES; Develop & design engagement program, Create digital transformation initiative


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Human Resource Management, or another related field
  • At least 5 years of experience in human resource field, preferably with supervisory experience
  • Good understanding of HR Management, Manpower Planning, Talent
  • Acquisition, Talent Development, Organization Development, and Performance Management
  • Familiar with Human Resource Information System (.e: Success Factors, SAP, etc.)
  • Good interpersonal skill
  • Good leadership skill
  • Fluent in English


  • English Skill
  • Presentation Skill
  • Project Management
  • Leadership Skill, etc.


Job Summary

This position is required to Control the efficiency of warehouse activities in terms of receiving and product placing according to procedure, inspecting
product identity, & controlling non effective goods and managing subordinates to create valuable warehouse activities.


  • General Responsibility
  • Responsible for managing warehouses in 2 factories (Bekasi-Karawang)
  • Plan and manage cost improvement activities
  • Manage continuous warehouse improvement
  • Product Reception & Placement
  • Determine product placement according to pre-established layout management
  • Inspection of Product ldentity Completeness
  • Coordinate the inspection process of received goods and inspect identity
  • completeness such as marking, stamp, etc, before the products go into loading stage
  • Coordinate recording activities of goods with no complete identities and submit the information to Technical &QA Department and other related sections
  • Inventory Control of Non Effective Stock
  • Manage non effective stocks by checking and reporting the result to Sales
  • Department followed by immediate liquidation process
  • Control goods as “Grade B” classified by leading the checking process and reporting the results of checks to the Technical and QA Department
  • Prepare report for Sales and Accounting Department related to slow moving stocks fora write-off recommendation
  • People Management & Development
  • Allocate human resources effectively into the work plan
  • Develop subordinates with essential skills through training and personal coaching


A minimum Bachelor’s degree preferably in Supply Chain/ Industrial/ Management/ Finance
Has a minimum 5 years of experience as Warehouse and Excellent Logistic
Manager or similar
Experienced in doing cost reduction with 3rd party for logistic and warehouse
Deep understanding in regulations for warehouse and logistics
Ability to communicate in a full-English working environment
Clear demonstration of leadership, team commitment, and influencing others
High competency in analytics and able to interpret and communicate complex datasets
Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
Experience using data tools (e.g. SAP tableau, etc)



  • Control&Monitoring Mesin Utility
  • Melakukan control dan monitoring serta mengambil data terhadap kinerja
  • mesin-mesin utility setiap shift untuk memastikan mesin berfungsi dengan baik
  • Melakukan Pengopersian equipment utility & membuat laporan harian serta dilaporkan ke pengawas sampai manager area
  • Memahami cara pengambilan data energy dan merekap hasil untuk dilaporkan secara berkala
  • Melaksanakan dan mengontrol save energy activity untuk menghemat energy sesuai dengan instruksi dari top management
  • Melakukan perawatan dan running test berkala terhadap diesel engine hydrant untuk memastikan fungsi hydrant baik
  • Melakukan perawatan berkala terhadap jockey pump untuk memastikan jockey pump berfungsi dengan baik

Preventive Maintenance

  • Membuat schedule Preventive Maintenance yearly, monthly, & daily untuk memelihara utility equipments
  • Melaksanakan pekerjaan Preventive Maintenance untuk memelihara utility equipments
  • Mengaktualkan hasil pekerjaan PM ke dalam check sheet dan memastikan bahwa semua aktivitas PM sesuai dengan check sheet & terisi
  • Membuat laporan pelaksanaan PM untuk dilaporkan ke pengawas sampai dengan manager area
  • Melakukan perawatan dan running test berkala terhadap diesel engine hydrant untuk memastikan fungsi hydrant baik
  • Melakukan perawatan berkala terhadap jockey pump untuk memastikan jockey pump berfungsi dengan baik

Failure Control

  • Menangani trouble baik yang temporary maupun permanen dengan segera agar tidak berimbas atau meminimalizir imbas pada proses produksi
  • Melakukan monitoring terhadap piping system di seluruh area pabrik untuk memastikan piping system berfungsi dengan baik
  • Melakukan pencatatan dan pendataan tentang trouble yang terjadi di masing-masing equipment
  • Menganalisa masing-masing trouble untuk dibuat rencana follow up countermeasurenya
  • Membuat laporan mengenai trouble shooting (waktu kejadian, jenis trouble, masalah-masalah, jenis tindakan dan countermeasure-nya) serta mereview pada setiap bulanya

Lubrication Control

  • Membuat perencanaan keperluan lubrikasi (volume) dan mapping equipment yang membutuhkan lubrikasi termasuk menentukan spesifikasi dan kuantitas dari lubrikasi, serta pelaksanaan lubrikasi
  • Melakukan kontrol terhadap penyimpanan lubrikasi agar tidak terjadi trouble terkait lubrikasi
  • Mencatat, Membuat laporan aktifitas dan pemakaian lubrikasi serta mereview setiap bulan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban Spare part control
  • Melakukan pendataan / me-list up seluruh parts mesin atau equipment yang diperlukan meliputi: specifikasi, jumlah, jenis dan kelompoknya sesuai
  • penggunaanya. Melakukan pembelian barang berikut nilai budgeting yg harus dipersiapkan, kemudian mengatur alokasi budget nya secara update agar
  • pembelian barang sesuai dengan budget Penempatan parts berdasrkan jenis, kelompok dan ukuranya serta membuat label/tag dari masing-masing parts

Requirements :

  • S1/D3 jurusan teknik mechanical & Electrical dengan sertifikasi pengoperasian boiler
  • Minimal 3 tahun di utility & mengoperasikan boiler
  • Paham mengenai cara kerja mesin & troubleshooting dari sisi elektrik
  • Paham mengenai water treatment (pengolahan air, limbah, dan troubleshooting)
  • meliputi demineralizer, softener, & raw water
  • Paham mengenai boiler/ HRSG dan memiliki sertifikat pengoperasian boiler (kinerja mesin & troubleshooting)
  • Paham mengenai compressor (cara kerja & troubleshooting)
  • Paham mengenai gas turbin, gas compressor, gas recovery compressor, air dryer, system vacuum, hydrolic water, cooling tower, chiller, diesel engine, dry ice
  • palatizer, AC, dan spare part control
  • Paham mengenai schedule PM (preventive maintenance) yearly, monthly, dan daily serta control check sheet PM & data trouble
  • Paham mengenai energy, N2 gas, co2 system, gasoline detector, sub station/ high tension
  • Paham mengenai pompa, piping system, motor, & hoist
  • Paham mengenai hydrant dan fire alarm system
  • Paham mengenai standar ISO & OHSAS

Silahkan lakukan pendaftaran melalui link berikut ini :


Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan karena sejatinya pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan itu gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun. Lowongan Kerja Medan

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