Lowongan Kerja 2022 Nestlé
Lowongan Kerja 2022 Nestlé adalah sebuah perusahaan multinternasional di Vevey, Swiss yang bergerak dalam bidang makanan minuman. Didirikan pada tahun 1868 oleh Hendry Nestlé. Perusahaan ini menghasilkan makanan nutrisi dan minuman nutrisi seperti makanan bayi, susu, kopi, cokelat, dan lain-lain. Pada tahun 2012, Nestlé melalui anak perusahaannya PT Nestlé Indonesia memenangkan Anugerah Produk Pertanian Berdaya Saing kategori CSR.Iklan Nestle Indonesia ini diambil lisensi dari Publicis Jakarta.
Lowongan Kerja 2022 Nestlé
Nestlé Indonesia Management Trainee 2022
Nestlé Indonesia hires outstanding graduates for Nestlé Management Trainee Program in different business streams. As an NMT, you will follow a comprehensive 24 months program that aims to grow high-performing talents that possess adaptive skils and growth mindset in order to become the future leaders of Nestlé.
The program consists of 3 (three) phases with regular evaluation stages. We leverage on a holistic approach to people development as we believe that 100% development impact can be achieved if we combine Experience, Networks, and Education based approaches. By the end of the program; you are expected to be prime candidates for the future leadership roles who share our company values in respect and standout with your own distinctive strengths.
- A bachelor’s degree with maximum 2 years of full-time working experience
- Leadership experiences in campus or student organizations
- Growth mindset, resilience, and flexibility to adapt with the rapid business changes
- Strong business acumen and willingness to learn continuously
- Excellent verbal, written and presentation skills in English
- Able to work independently and in a team, as well as staying productive in a virtual working environment
- Growth mindset, resilience, and flexibility to adapt with the rapid business changes
- Strong business acumen and willingness to learn continuously
- Excellent verbal, written and presentation skills in English
- Able to work independently and in a team, as well as staying productive in a virtual working environment
This program includes 8 streams that you can apply to, which are: Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, Corporate Affair, Finance, Supply Chain, Technical, Information Technology.
Stream Qualifications:
- Human Resource: Any background
- Sales: Any background
- Marketing: Any background
- Supply Chain: Any Engineering background (Sarjana Teknik)
- Finance: Accounting or Finance background
- Technical: Any Engineering (Sarjana Teknik) & Food Science background
- Corporate Affairs: Social Science background (Public Relations, Communication and International Relations)
- Information Technology: IS/IT or any Engineering background
Please note that you can only apply for one NMT stream.
Read all about Nestle MT Program at https://www.nestle.co.id/jobs/management-trainee
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